Anoushka was admitted to the Supreme Court of Victoria in 2022. She graduated with honours from Monash University, where she worked closely with family law solicitors at the Springvale Monash Legal Service and also pursued intense interests in taxation law and mooting. After graduating, Anoushka worked at a firm specializing in migration law where she was responsible for preparing and lodging visa applications and drafting legal submissions to the Department of Home Affairs and the AAT.


With immediate family on four continents, Anoushka is keenly aware of how complicated modern family dispute and estate planning can be and how critical it is to have advisors who are diligent, empathetic, and capable of resolving complex problems for their clients.


Anoushka spends her spare time practicing different languages (having lived in various cities across the Middle East, Asia, and Oceania, Anoushka is trilingual and has an elementary proficiency in a further three languages). She also enjoys playing badminton, doing the Qwordle, cycling with family, and learning about aviation